Quizz: What kind if writer are you?
You're a Narrative writer!
What kind of writer are you?
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You're a Narrative writer!
What kind of writer are you?
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Christmas 2002
With beauty I shimmer
With light I glow
For I am an elf
The people of light
The angels of middle earth
Our beauty illuminates the land
I sing of its ancient beauty
I watch the trees grow
I listen to the tree's sing
I hear them speak
For I am immortal
Unbelievable yes
But I speak only the truth
Immortality is my bane
To love a mortal
Is forbidden to me
Twice an immortal loved a mortal
Twice an immortal died broken hearted
An elf may die two ways
yes an immortal may become mortal
By the blade I may die
By the death of one close to me as well
I was wrong immortality is my bane
Love is destined to be my death
Today I vow never to love
you are my witness
Lord of the Rings based.
All things related to The Lord of the Rings belong to the Tolkien estate.
Imorieri Morwen
April 17th 2004
I tread the path of eternal darkness
I perceive small flickers of light
Hope grows in me
Yet when light is most needed
All becomes pitch black
I think I love
Yet soon after
I see the truth
Love is inexistent
Hope is merely wasted energy
I am alone in this world
I should have understood
'That' years ago
When shall I learn?
My trust is too easily given
I shall try
And shall trust only myself
And no other
Many a time
This I have vowed
I know myself
I shall once again be fooled
Once again
My heart shall shatter
When will I learn!
I am too trusting
I prefer Hate
To love
Hate does not hurt me
But love
Has killed me many a time
I am used to it
I can bear it
But love!
I flee it like the plague!
But I lie
It was once what I desired
Note the past tense
I have been hurt
One to many times
I shall learn!
My mask
Will no longer be made of porcelain
But of the strongest metal
I will NOT allow my self to be hurt
I shall survive
Friend is merely a WSPAN="2" COLSPAN="1">posted by Wadi at
10:38 AM
From Friendship to Hate
By Imorieri Morwen
The 29th of April 2004
These days it is a rare thing,
People do not see the use,
Of a true friend,
I admit,
I can no longer see its use,
I tried,
To be a true friend,
But I was betrayed,
I gave away my heart,
I never got it back.
But feel it,
Being cut into tiny pieces,
Being thrown out the window,
Being washed down the river,
Never to be found again,
I am without heart,
For my heart has been destroyed,
I shall not retrieve it,
I won't even try,
For without my heart,
I have no weakness,
I shall be strong,
I shall face life,
Suicide is no longer an option,
Suicide proves to my enemies,
That I am weak,
Who are my enemies?
Love is my enemy,
As are all emotions,
Except hate,
And all that relates to it,
Hate is all I feel,
Hate is what I have become,
Hate is all I have.
You happy now?
You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
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Congratulations! You're Merry!
Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
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<<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics )
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You have wings of STEEL. No one's really
sure why, but at this point in your life you've
shut off emotion to the point of extreme
apathy. You are cold and indifferent much of
the time...or perhaps you're just a good
pretender. Next to impossible to get close to,
even those who do never see the real you. It's
entirely possible that YOU don't even know the
real you. You have a certain fascination or
attraction to destruction on a massive scale -
disasters, perhaps even death or the concept of
the Apocalypse. Because you hold so much
inside, one day you're simply going to snap.
Then the mask will fall away, and your true
wings will be revealed. Until then you will
deal with whatever comes your way in icy bitter
silence and acceptance. On the positive side,
you are fearless and immeasurably strong - not
much can crack through your defenses. You
intrigue people, who can't help but wonder why
you're the way you are. A loner and one who
spends much of their time brooding and
contemplating life and death - you are a time
bomb waiting to explode and create some
destruction of your own.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
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You are Form 5, Dragon: The Weaver.
"And The Dragon seperated the virtuous from
the sinful. He tore his eyes from his sockets
and used them to peer into the souls of those
on trial to make a judgement. He knew that
with endless knowledge came endless
Some examples of the Dragon Form are Athena
(Greek), St. Peter (Christian), and Surya
The Dragon is associated with the concept of
intelligence, the number 5, and the element of
His sign is the crescent moon.
As a member of Form 5, you are an intelligent and
wise individual. You weigh options by looking
at how logical they are and you know that while
there may not always be a right or wrong
choice, there is always a logical one. People
may say you are too indecisive, but it's only
because you want to do what's right. Dragons
are the best friends to have because they're
willing to learn.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
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You are the hidden beauty
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
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Dead Fairy
Please Rate my quiz I worked really hard for this
Which Fairy are you?(for anyone many out comes)
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BLACK: Symbolises one's career. Defined as Winter
and represents the element of Water. Signifies
withdrawal, descent, danger, great difficulty.
Energy on the decline (passive energy).
Your Lucky Colour (based on Asian colour symbolism)
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Lonliness dominates you. You can hide it well, but
its there, and your friends can see it. You
constantly feel alone, and need to do things to
fill your time. Your afraid to tell people
this, but sooner or later it gets out in a bad
way, and you think you screwed up everything.
And when you are in love is when you are sad
the most. (Pleas Vote)
What Emotion Dominates you?
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Congrats! You will marry Captian Jack Sparrow
who (from pirates of the caribbean) are you supposed to marry (for girls) clh
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Fight Club!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
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I need to redo this quiz. sure I liked the movie but it's not my fav like LOTR or POTC.
Darkness. You Truly Desire Darkness. You wish
everyone around you was either dead, or
worshipping you. To you, life is not a gift,
but a punishment. You have no consideration for
others and do as you please.
What Do You Truly Desire? *PICS*
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Snow Angel
Please rate this quiz I worked really hard on the
pics and everything thanks and I hope that you
have had fun
NEW!! Which Angel are you?(pics for anyone/14 outcomes!!)
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in my eyes..you are kind and outgoing its never to
easy to find a person like you in life
you probably have alot of freinds and like camping?
in my eyes you are...(pics and different outcomes)
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You are a black dragon! Master of the shadows and
nightmares. People claim you to be evil but
you're just misunderstood. You just want to be
You'r a Dark Dragon! Ok, yes, not very nice. Your
evil, spiteful, malicious, and just darn bad.
You like to see others in pain, or cause it. Im
sorry to say, but you scare me. Fly around
somewhere...err, far away.
What elemental dragon are you?
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