Sereg'wethrin:Quizzes and Poetry

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Quizz: How hobbit-obsessed are you?

75%! you love hobbits!!! You are more a fan of the
book than the movie, and taking your knowledge
of Tolkien's furry creatures into account, you
could probably write a book of your own! :)

How hobbit-obsessed are you?
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Aww how flattering!

Quizz: Which Nobleman/elf are you?

You are the King Theoden, the stubborn, but coolest
of kings. Oh, and you make a cool exit too,
many singing of your bravery for years
Just watch that Grima, though.

LotR -- Which Nobleman/elf are you?
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Remember I am a Female !!!!!

Quizz: Which Middle Earth City do you Rule?

Bwahaha, you rule over Mordor, land where the
Shadows lie. You are happy enough to stay in
your dark tower, plotting against them filthy
stinking humans and sickening elves. Oh yeah-
and conducting experiments with orcs. wheeee.

Which Middle Earth City do you Rule?
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Quizz: Which Middle Earth flower are you?

You're an Athelas plant.

Which Middle Earth flower are you?
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